class documentation


Method __init__ Undocumented
Method action action (/me) received
Method connectionLost lost connection to server
Method joined we have joined a channel
Method msg message received
Method query a private message received
Method start called to start the work of the module put your initialization stuff in here insteadof __init__
Method stop called, when the bot is stopped, or the module is reloaded
Instance Variable bot Undocumented
Instance Variable channels Undocumented
Instance Variable nicklist Undocumented
Instance Variable responder Undocumented
Instance Variable wordpairs Undocumented
Instance Variable wordpairsFile Undocumented

Inherited from chatMod:

Method auth check the authorisation of the user
Method command a command message received
Method connectionMade made connection to server
Method ctcpQuery called for ctcp queries
Method irc_unknown an IRC-Message, which is not handle by twisted was received
Method kickedFrom someone kicked the bot
Method left we have left a channel
Method lineReceived Undocumented
Method modeChanged mode changed
Method noticed we got a notice
Method reload called to reload the settings of the module
Method sendLine Undocumented
Method signedOn successfully signed on
Method topicUpdated a user changed the topic of a channel
Method userJoined a user joined the channel
Method userJoinedMask Undocumented
Method userKicked someone kicked someone else
Method userLeft a user left the channel
Method userQuit a user disconnect from the network
Method userRenamed a user changed the nick
Method yourHost info about your host
def __init__(self, bot): (source)


def action(self, user, channel, msg): (source)

action (/me) received

def connectionLost(self, reason): (source)

lost connection to server

def joined(self, channel): (source)

we have joined a channel

def msg(self, user, channel, msg): (source)

message received

def query(self, user, channel, msg): (source)

a private message received

def start(self): (source)

called to start the work of the module put your initialization stuff in here insteadof __init__

def stop(self): (source)

called, when the bot is stopped, or the module is reloaded

channels: list = (source)


nicklist = (source)


responder = (source)


wordpairs = (source)


wordpairsFile = (source)
