class documentation

class AmqpProtocol(AMQClient): (source)

View In Hierarchy

The protocol is created and destroyed each time a connection is created and lost.

Method connectionMade Called when a connection has been made.
Method read Add an exchange to the list of exchanges to read from.
Method send If connected, send all waiting messages.
Method setup_read This function does the work to read from an exchange.
Instance Variable chan Undocumented
Instance Variable connected Undocumented
Method _authenticated Called when the connection has been authenticated.
Method _authentication_failed Undocumented
Method _channel_open Called when the channel is open.
Method _channel_open_failed Undocumented
Method _got_channel Undocumented
Method _got_channel_failed Undocumented
Method _read_item Callback function which is called when an item is read.
Method _read_item_err Undocumented
Method _send_message Send a single message.
Method _send_message_err Undocumented
def connectionMade(self): (source)

Called when a connection has been made.

def read(self, exchange, routing_key, callback): (source)

Add an exchange to the list of exchanges to read from.

def send(self): (source)

If connected, send all waiting messages.

def setup_read(self, exchange, routing_key, callback): (source)

This function does the work to read from an exchange.


connected: bool = (source)


def _authenticated(self, ignore): (source)

Called when the connection has been authenticated.

def _authentication_failed(self, error): (source)


def _channel_open(self, arg): (source)

Called when the channel is open.

def _channel_open_failed(self, error): (source)


def _got_channel(self, chan): (source)


def _got_channel_failed(self, error): (source)


def _read_item(self, item, queue, callback): (source)

Callback function which is called when an item is read.

def _read_item_err(self, error): (source)


def _send_message(self, exchange, routing_key, msg): (source)

Send a single message.

def _send_message_err(self, error): (source)
