Part of scheduler View In Hierarchy
Method | callLater | executes function after time seconds with
arguments *args and keyword arguments
**kwargs |
Method | cancelCallLater | cancel a delayed call |
Method | callPeriodic | executes function every delay seconds with
keyword arguments **kwargs |
after time
seconds with
arguments *args
and keyword arguments
Parameters | time | seconds to wait before executing function
(type: int
) |
function | the function to call (type: callable ) | |
*args | arguments for the function (type: tuple ) | |
**kwargs | keyworded arguments for the function (type: dict ) |
Parameters | callID | the call to cancel (id returned in callLater) |
every delay
seconds with
keyword arguments **kwargs
Parameters | delay | the delay between two runs of the function
(type: int
) |
function | the function to be called (type: callable ) | |
kwargs | the keyworded arguments for the function (type: dict ) | |
Note | add the possibility to give a *args-tuple (need to know how to merge two tuples) |