Part of otfbot.lib.chatMod View Source View In Hierarchy
Known subclasses: otfbot.plugins.ircClient.answers.Plugin, otfbot.plugins.ircClient.auth.Plugin, otfbot.plugins.ircClient.autorejoin.Plugin, otfbot.plugins.ircClient.badwords.Plugin, otfbot.plugins.ircClient.commands.Plugin, otfbot.plugins.ircClient.controlIRC.Plugin, otfbot.plugins.ircClient.controlServer.Plugin, otfbot.plugins.ircClient.ddate.Plugin, otfbot.plugins.ircClient.eightBall.Plugin, otfbot.plugins.ircClient.feed.Plugin, otfbot.plugins.ircClient.human.Plugin, otfbot.plugins.ircClient.identify.Plugin, otfbot.plugins.ircClient.karma.Plugin,, otfbot.plugins.ircClient.kurs.Plugin, otfbot.plugins.ircClient.log.Plugin, otfbot.plugins.ircClient.marvin.Plugin, otfbot.plugins.ircClient.mirror.Plugin, otfbot.plugins.ircClient.moon.Plugin, otfbot.plugins.ircClient.quotesfromweb.Plugin, otfbot.plugins.ircClient.reminder.Plugin, otfbot.plugins.ircClient.seen.Plugin, otfbot.plugins.ircClient.statistics.Plugin, otfbot.plugins.ircClient.tictactoe.Plugin, otfbot.plugins.ircClient.timediff.Plugin,, otfbot.plugins.ircClient.url.Plugin, otfbot.plugins.ircClient.version.Plugin,,,, otfbot.plugins.ircServer.basic.Plugin, otfbot.plugins.ircServer.controlServer.Plugin, otfbot.plugins.ircServer.human.Plugin
Method | __init__ | Undocumented |
Method | auth | check the authorisation of the user |
Method | joined | we have joined a channel |
Method | command | a command message received |
Method | query | a private message received |
Method | msg | message received |
Method | connectionMade | made connection to server |
Method | connectionLost | lost connection to server |
Method | signedOn | successfully signed on |
Method | left | we have left a channel |
Method | noticed | we got a notice |
Method | action | action (/me) received |
Method | modeChanged | mode changed |
Method | kickedFrom | someone kicked the bot |
Method | userKicked | someone kicked someone else |
Method | userJoined | a user joined the channel |
Method | userJoinedMask | Undocumented |
Method | userLeft | a user left the channel |
Method | userQuit | a user disconnect from the network |
Method | yourHost | info about your host |
Method | userRenamed | a user changed the nick |
Method | topicUpdated | a user changed the topic of a channel |
Method | irc_unknown | an IRC-Message, which is not handle by twisted was received |
Method | stop | called, when the bot is stopped, or the module is reloaded |
Method | reload | called to reload the settings of the module |
Method | start | called to start the work of the module |
Method | sendLine | Undocumented |
Method | lineReceived | Undocumented |
Method | ctcpQuery | called for ctcp queries |