Part of otfbot.plugins View Source
Module | answers | Send answers from file based on regexes |
Module | auth | Authenticates a user to the Bot |
Module | autorejoin | Rejoin, if kicked. (note: this is often a bad idea!) |
Module | badwords | Kick user from a channel based on a list of bad words |
Module | commands | React to !commands with text from a commands.txt file |
Module | controlIRC | Access the control service via IRC to control the Bot. |
Module | controlServer | Helper Plugin for the ircServer service |
Module | ddate | Calculate the discordian Date |
Module | eightBall | Provide some aid to make a decision |
Module | feed | Post Headlines and Links from a Newsfeed |
Module | human | Helper Plugin for ircServer service |
Module | identify | Identify the Bot to a nickserv, if the botnick is registered |
Module | karma | Track the karma of user supplied terms |
Module | ki | Try to emulate a normal user by answering |
Module | kurs | Fetch current stock prices |
Module | log | Log channel conversations to files. |
Module | marvin | complain like Marvin from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy |
Module | mirror | Mirror the activities of one channel into another |
Module | moon | Calculate the current phase of the moon |
Module | quotesfromweb | Sends quotes and proverbs to the channel |
Module | reminder | No module docstring; 1/2 classes documented |
Module | seen | Undocumented |
Module | statistics | Calculate some statistics, like peak usercount. |
Module | tictactoe | Tic-Tac-Toe (X and O) game. |
Module | timediff | provide time and compare CTCP times |
Module | tv | Undocumented |
Module | url | Undocumented |
Module | version | Undocumented |
Module | vote | cast a vote with !votecast question and collect answers |
Module | weather | No module docstring; 2/3 classes, 4/6 functions documented |
Module | youtube | search on youtube with !youtube search phrase |