o.p.i.t.Game : class documentation

Part of otfbot.plugins.ircClient.tictactoe View Source View In Hierarchy

game implementation
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method drawField draw the current field with X and O and numbers
Method move make a move
Method neighbours calculate the neighbour fields
Method winningField test if a Field wins the game
Method kiMove let the artificial intelligence make a move
Method checkWin check if a player has won
Method checkFinished check if the game is still active
def __init__(self): (source)
def drawField(self): (source)
draw the current field with X and O and numbers
def move(self, num): (source)
make a move
ReturnsTrue if the move is valid, False if not.
def neighbours(self, pos): (source)
calculate the neighbour fields
def winningField(self, stone, stone2, fields): (source)
test if a Field wins the game
def kiMove(self): (source)
let the artificial intelligence make a move
def checkWin(self, lastStone): (source)
check if a player has won
def checkFinished(self, lastStone): (source)
check if the game is still active
API Documentation for OtfBot, generated by pydoctor at 2011-05-03 16:14:29.