class documentation


Method __init__ Undocumented
Method action action (/me) received
Method msg message received
Method reload load the answers from the configured file
Method respond assemble a response
Method start called to start the work of the module put your initialization stuff in here insteadof __init__
Instance Variable answers Undocumented
Instance Variable answersFile Undocumented
Instance Variable bot Undocumented
Instance Variable encoding Undocumented

Inherited from chatMod:

Method auth check the authorisation of the user
Method command a command message received
Method connectionLost lost connection to server
Method connectionMade made connection to server
Method ctcpQuery called for ctcp queries
Method irc_unknown an IRC-Message, which is not handle by twisted was received
Method joined we have joined a channel
Method kickedFrom someone kicked the bot
Method left we have left a channel
Method lineReceived Undocumented
Method modeChanged mode changed
Method noticed we got a notice
Method query a private message received
Method sendLine Undocumented
Method signedOn successfully signed on
Method stop called, when the bot is stopped, or the module is reloaded
Method topicUpdated a user changed the topic of a channel
Method userJoined a user joined the channel
Method userJoinedMask Undocumented
Method userKicked someone kicked someone else
Method userLeft a user left the channel
Method userQuit a user disconnect from the network
Method userRenamed a user changed the nick
Method yourHost info about your host
def __init__(self, bot): (source)


def action(self, user, channel, msg): (source)

action (/me) received

def msg(self, user, channel, msg): (source)

message received

def reload(self): (source)

load the answers from the configured file

def respond(self, user, msg): (source)

assemble a response

username of the user which issued the message
msgthe message which needs a response
def start(self): (source)

called to start the work of the module put your initialization stuff in here insteadof __init__


answersFile = (source)


encoding = (source)
